Summer days can feel like they will last forever, but the next thing you know it’s August! Before summer passes by, plan a weekend to dive into adventures in Morgan County, Colorado.

The Sky’s the Limit to Fun!

Look up for some high-flying adventure!  Do you have sky diving on your bucket list?  Now is the perfect time to give it a try. Book a jump at Skydive Orange Skies, and the team will get you and your crew off the ground and safely back down again all while you are sharing the experience of a lifetime.  

Fort Morgan Fly-In

If you love to see some high-flying tricks that someone else is performing, plan to come to the Fort Morgan Fly-In on September 9th from 8-11am at the KFMM Airport at Bristol Field. The event will have lots of cool things to check out from vintage warbirds, drone demos, to parachute jumps.

Clay Shooting 

Still want a challenge that looks to the sky but keeps your feet firmly on the ground while doing it? Clay shooting may be just the sport for you. The Longmeadow Clays Club has a 15-station sporting clays course and is the perfect place to give the sport a try. 

If you are here the first weekend in August, they are hosting one of the premiere clay shooting events in Colorado – The 2023 NSCA WESTERN REGIONAL clay shoot on August 2nd – 6th. 

Disc Golf

If you are more into tossing disks rather than shooting them, head over to the Watrous Disc golf course for a game with your buddies.

Race to the Finish

And just when your heart has stopped racing from all of the adrenaline packed action…get it revved up again at the I-76 Speedway. The summer racing schedule goes through September 30th. Click here for more information on the upcoming races.

Good Eats

All of that high-flying adrenaline packed activity is sure to leave you hungry and probably a bit parched! Head to downtown Fort Morgan to grab a beer and some eats at the Club Tap Room. We highly recommend their pulled pork sandwich!